On the sexual abuse, exploitation & deception of society and it's children
NEVER AGAIN :: Independent of faith survey on clergy abuse
We are accepting suggestions, input and offers of assistance with design, development, research, compilation and testing. Please email us if you wish to assist or have some input. Please note that submissions which advocate a particular religious, political, racial, nationalistic or ethnic perspective or bias towards a demographic will be returned for review and amendment.
As each page of the survey is completed to a pre-release stage it will be published for public assessment and input before it is added to the active survey.
Religion - The body or organization which ordains clergy. The body or organization represented by clergy.
Parishioner- The body of people who practice or follow a religious belief system or act on behalf of a religious body or in the service of a religion.
Enabler- The body of people who may be employed by, for or on behalf of a religious service to enable an abuse or the covering up of an abuse or to act to deny the right of an individual to justice and compensation as a result of an abuse under these definitions.
Clergy abuse encompasses the social results or outcomes of an individual crime through to social and democratic principals.
An abuse of trust by clergy disadvantages one or more individuals.
A disadvantage is a result of the abuse of the trust placed in clergy,therefore any aspect of society where clergy function in any manner can be exposed to the influence of clergy and subsequently to clergy abuse. This may be spiritual, personal, business, political, health or other service be they provided by charity, Government service where clergy has in the past had direct input or has lobbied, preached, influenced society, suggested a fearful or negative outcome based on a religious belief or ideal.A disadvantage may be as a result of the aiding, abetting, profiteering, exploitation, denial, silence, inaction, spiritual fraud, spiritual deception or other action which has been, can be or is employed in the covering up of the sexual abuse of children or the denying of access to same legal recourse to natural or legal justice or other service or observance of your human rights as their fellow citizens.A disadvantage is when you do not receive equal treatment or your human rights have been denied or you have been discriminated against or disadvantaged in any manner under State, Federal or other law; through State provided services.A disadvantage may be as a direct result of spiritual, physical,psychological, sexual or other abuse.A disadvantage may be as a result of legislation passed in support of an initiative or as a result of incentive or an initiative of individual clergy or their religion as a whole.A disadvantage may be as great or as small as you personally experience it.
A disadvantage may be as a result of your own or anothers' religious doctrine, spiritual belief or absolute commandment.
Take part in the first independent, all faith survey on clergy abuse; registration required.
Make a direct donation for the development and distribution of this survey as your show of support for this global initiative to facilitate an appropriate response to clergy abuse. We only accept unencumbered gifts. Donors must be aware that the scope of this survey does not permit us to establish ourselves as a charitable trust or fund or to avail you or ourselves of any tax or other benefit from your gift. Donations or submissions are provided under the conditions found on this page and in accord with our disclaimer.

The September 1 initiative aim is to bring to the world a definitive solution to the global clergy abuse crisis
Check our findings at Trauma in Religion

If you found this information to be of assistance please don't forget to donate so that we can extend these information pages which are focused on providing knowledge and information to survivor/victims on their Human Rights with justice, compassion and empathy at the fore along with sound knowledge of Human Biology and Psychology, Human Evolution and Neuroscience. Information is not provided as legal or professional advice; it is provided as general information only and requires that you validate any information via your own legal or other professional service providers.
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