On the sexual abuse, exploitation & deception of society and it's children
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Today we know that we have a lot of child abuse. It was silenced before. The child must repress the memory of this abuse and deny the pain in order to survive; otherwise he would be killed by the pain.
OMNI Might this happen so early in the child's development that he lacks words, understanding, or permission to express the pain?
Miller The words have to be found. A good therapy should help the patient evolve from a "silent child" to a "talking child." The child couldn't have found the words if the trauma were too early, or the environment too hostile. But now, in therapy, if you have a therapist who is really your advocate, your conscious witness for when you experienced your trauma for the first time, then you become a talking child. Therapy exists to help you find the words to tell your mother or father how you felt at that time when they hurt you or how you felt when you could not talk -- even that.
Alice Miller 1997
Alice Miller 1997

The September 1 initiative aim is to bring to the world a definitive solution to the global clergy abuse crisis
Check our findings at Trauma in Religion

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